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Jun 09, 2024
In General Discussion
Another game idea, courtesy of cribbing off a Valiant Airsoft video. Sportball! 1. Get a decently-sized foam ball from Daiso. Could be a rugby ball, soccer ball or whatever. 2. Ref places ball in middle of field. 3. Upon game start, teams race to take possession of the ball. They must then move it across the field to score a goal by touching the ball against opponent's spawn point. 4. Shot players return to their team's spawn point to respawn. Game variations could be: • Soccer: players may only kick the ball. • Rugby: players may carry the ball or throw it, but may only throw it backwards (towards their own spawn). • American football: players may carry the ball or throw it in any direction. Other variations: • AEGs with semi/full or maybe pistols only. • Set a time/point limit (especially if points are scored quickly) or golden goal (if the game is stalemating, for instance). Any player in possession of the ball when shot: 1. If kicking the ball, simply leave the ball alone and return to spawn. 2. If carrying the ball, may throw it within 2 seconds (following the particular rugby/American ruleset). Then return to spawn. One player could act as a referee and follow the ball around. A whistle could be blown for goals, shot players, etc, if the field allows use of whistles. As always, feedback welcome. I'm just seeing what sticks. 😉
Feb 26, 2024
In General Discussion
Came up with a few ideas for some pistol games during the commute today. As usual, everything can be changed if necessary. I like the names I thought of, but if someone has better titles, let it be known! 😁 Le Mans Pistols Taking a little inspiration from Valiant Airsoft for this one. The exact setup will vary depending on field layout, but here’s the general gist. Players may use a pistol only. Not sure if GBB or spring would be more fun. Players place their pistols unloaded and uncocked (no round in the chamber, either!) at a designated location, such as a table. Players hold their magazine in their hand. Players walk several paces/metres away from the weapons. On the buzzer, players race to their weapon, load and cock it. Then it devolves into a standard free-for-all/battle royale. Initial setup would depend on site layout. I’m envisioning three options: 1. A straight-line race from A to B. 2. Pistols in a central location with players lined up in a circle around them (maybe 10 metres away). 3. Players start in a central location with pistols in a circle around them (maybe 10 metres away). I suppose it could also be done as TDM, with teams racing to their pistols from opposite ends.   Finders Keepers My own variation on Le Mans Pistols. Players hand in their empty, unloaded pistol into a pool, but keep their magazine(s). Players enter the field and take/are given a pistol that isn’t theirs. Players then have three minutes to hide. After three minutes, the game buzzer sounds. Place the pistol you are carrying where you are in a visible position. Players then have to search for their own pistol, load it, and start hunting other players. If you find a pistol compatible with your magazine but it isn’t yours, leave it alone. Safety would best be a pre-determined point on the field as, at the end of the game, players return to their starting position in case the pistol they were given wasn’t collected during the game. This game could be played as free-for-all or team deathmatch.   Double Trouble Again inspired by Valiant Airsoft. In their version, they hobbled Valiant by attaching another player to him with a bungee. That might cause safety issues in an outdoor field, so maybe we could do something a little different… Players are paired up and have to hold hands (maybe a rope loop or similar?). At no point (except in an emergency, of course) may they let go of those hands. They may use one pistol each and will probably have to help each other reload. If one player is hit, that player may no longer shoot. They may still move with their buddy (and help them reload?). If/when both players are hit, they return to safety. Not sure if to count deaths individually or say that both players being hit is considered a single elimination.
Jan 30, 2024
In General Discussion
I'm just putting the feelers out to see if there's anyone in or near Yokohama that would be interested in carpooling to Sabapara in March. I have a car and am willing to drive, but it's only an Alto, so there would be a limit of two passengers. Here's what I'm thinking: One passenger: two bags, ~2700 yen each. Two passengers: one bag each, ~1800 yen each. Costs are an equal share of highway tolls and a small contribution to gas. The final price would depend on which IC we join the highway at. 'Bag' refers to something of regular suitcase size. Travel time would probably be about 1.5-2 hours there (return time would depend on traffic). Even with one passenger, I imagine there would be a cost and time saving over going by train. Direct transport to the site! No need to lug heavy bags around! Take a nap with no risk of missing your stop! Chill with chat, snacks (BYO 😅), and music! Let me know via message, DM, or whatever if you're interested. Please note that I'll work on a policy of what's most convenient - there's no point me driving 30 minutes the wrong way burning gas. But we'll discuss things and see if we can sort something out.
Jan 29, 2024
In General Discussion
Hey, all. I've had an idea for a game and want to get it out there before it dies of lonliness in my head. Feel free to tweak, critique, or simply disregard everything here if you feel it's unworkable, inappropriate, or has just plain ol' been done before. Drug Bust Teams Drug cartel members vs federal agents Scenario Federal agents perform a raid on a drug cartel drug factory/drug deal. Objectives Feds: Eliminate or apprehend cartel members and/or retrieve the 'product'. Any product retreived must be retained by the agents. Cartel: Eliminate the agents and/or retain the 'product'. It can either be held until end of game, or moved to a safe/extraction point (another point on the field), where it's inaccessible to the feds. Gameplay Feds: Agents can either shoot cartel members or apprehend them for additional points. Apprehend by placing a hand on the cartel member. Apprehended suspects kneel down with hands on their heads. (Apprehended suspects may need to be deemed 'bulletproof' if there's a high probability of crossfire... or brutally ruthless cartel leaders😅.) Cartel: The cartel may shoot agents while retaining or moving product to the designated safe point. Cartel may liberate apprehended members by reaching and touching them. Points Feds: shooting cartel: 5pts, retrieving product: 10pts, apprehending suspect: 30pts Cartel: shooting agent: 5pts, surviving cartel: 10pts, retained product: 30pts The cartel want to retain the product to sell later and limit their financial losses. The feds want to apprehend suspects to turn state's evidence. Points are per person/item and totalled at the end of the game. The points balance should indicate the particular priorities and aims of each team. I'm hoping that the different point values will lead to ever-changing gameplay as the situation evolves and priorities change. If the feds make lots of apprehensions, do the cartel focus on moving product or do they free their buddies, thus denying the feds those points? Do the feds just try and wipe out everyone and claim the goods, or do they focus on apphrension? Play twice so each team plays each role once. Highest score at the end wins.
Jan 23, 2024
In Introduce yourself
Hey everyone! I'm Dave. I'm a Brit living in Yokohama, making a living as an English teacher and part-time proofreader. I've been in Japan since 2007 and I've got about five or so years of airsoft experience, both here and back home. I also did gymkhana (a type of amateur motorsport) in Kanagawa for about ten years. Hobbies include video games, driving, weight training, the odd bit of DIY, and learning random stuff on YouTube. 😄 I currently run a CYMA AKS-74U and TM M92F. Back home I had a TM MP5A4, TM P90 and KSC CZ75 (I loved that thing...). I also happen to be on the autism spectrum, so please excuse me when my brain occasionally reverts back to being a dial-up modem. 😅 I'm looking forward to joining you all for the February meet at No.9! よろしくお願いします!


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