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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What should I bring for the first time playing airsoft?
    Ideally for your first game, it is better to rent equipment, but there are also some things you can bring from home to cut some of these costs. ​Here are our recommendations for what to bring on your first time trying airsoft.
  • How much does it cost to rent airsoft equipment?
    Ideally for your first game, it is better to rent equipment, but there are also some things you can bring from home to cut some of these costs. ​Here are our recommendations for what to bring on your first time trying airsoft. On the other hand, AOJ offers rental equipment with extra options that most fields do not offer. as detailed below. While the price is only ¥1,500 cheaper, you are in fact getting a lot more for your money and depending what options you want it costs less. Regular renters will get discounts.
  • Do I need to understand Japanese?
    In short, yes. Those that cannot communicate or follow the guidance and rule explanation will not be allowed to play. So it is always best to be able to understand Japanese or have an interpreter friend with you. (Note, all games hosted by us will have interpreters)
  • Does airsoft hurt when you get shot?
    One question we get a lot is, "How much does airsoft hurt?" Since the legal limit is 0.98 Joules of power from an airsoft gun, when you get hit it will sting for a minute or two, depending where you are hit as well as what you are wearing. For example. If you are hit from 30 metres away, it will feel like someone pinched you. While it will sting, it will stop hurting a minute or two after. If you are hit from 10 metres away, it will hurt more and you may bruise. This is why we recommend to wear suitable clothing to take the brunt of the force and lessen any pain or discomfort you experience. Plate carriers, gloves, face protection and a shemagh will help protect vital areas.
  • How much does it cost to play airsoft?
    This will depend on what you need and where you go. Airsoft fields in Tokyo will cost more than other prefectures, starting at ¥4,000 for the day (without any rental gear). If you play outside Tokyo, such as Chiba, a field will be from ¥3,000 for the day. Chartered games generally cost more as we have to prepare and maintain equipment for use on the day. Adding on any other costs like renting a gun and buying BB's. The price to play airsoft for one day will be around ¥9,000 if you rent a gun, goggles and buy BB's. If you play to play airsoft more than once, then it is worth investing in buying a gun and face protection to negate the costs. A rental gun is about ¥2,500 - ¥3,000 for the day, whereas buying one can start from ¥12,000. However, we do offer significantly cheaper rental options, but they must be booked in advance and it on a first come first served basis.
  • Can I join even if I do not have any equipment?
    Yes. Of course you can! All fields will have rental options for rifles, clothing and protective wear. If you are attending one of our charter games, we can usually provide the clothing and protective wear much cheaper than the field can. We find that most new players begin with rental equipment and try out other member's weapons before they purchase their own.
  • Airsoft Game Tactics for Beginners
    Airsoft is an exciting game that requires teamwork, strategy, and quick thinking. Here’s a short guide to help beginners get started with basic tactics. Use Cover and Concealment Always stay behind cover (solid objects like walls or barriers that block enemy fire). Concealment (like bushes) hides you but doesn’t stop bullets. When moving, plan your path from one piece of cover to the next. Avoid running in the open. Communication is Key Work with your team by keeping in touch, either through hand signals or radios. Relay enemy positions, your next moves, or when you need help. Stay quiet when necessary to avoid giving away your position. Move Strategically Don’t rush in recklessly; move in short bursts, alternating between advancing and staying behind cover. Use the "bounding overwatch" tactic: one group moves while the other provides covering fire. This keeps enemies pinned down while you advance safely. Flank the Enemy Flanking (moving around to attack the enemy from the sides or behind) is highly effective. It forces your opponents to split their focus or move, giving your team an advantage. Control Your Fire Don’t shoot randomly. Aim before you fire, and control your bursts to conserve ammo. Blind firing can be dangerous and inaccurate. Always keep track of your magazine count to avoid running out of ammo in critical moments. Team Roles Understand your role within the team. For instance: Assault players engage the enemy directly. Support players provide covering fire. Snipers target enemies from a distance, offering support by eliminating threats quietly. Adapt to the Terrain Each field offers different terrain: dense woods, urban environments, or open spaces. Learn to adapt your tactics accordingly, such as moving slowly and silently in forests or using buildings for cover in urban fields. Stay Low and Keep Moving Always crouch or move low when under fire, as standing makes you an easy target. Change positions frequently to avoid being pinned down. Bonus Tip: Know the Game Mode Different game modes (capture the flag, elimination, etc.) require different strategies. Always adjust your tactics based on the objective of the game. By mastering these basic airsoft tactics, you'll improve your effectiveness on the field and have more fun while doing so.
  • Can I play airsoft in English?
    Our community is managed by bilingual leaders and we manage our games in English with Japanese and Chinese interpretation. When you join our games, there will always be someone to translate essential information.
  • Where can I find out about planned games?
    Check our Events page to see what games we have coming. Often we host airsoft games in Chiba and airsoft games in Tokyo.
  • How can I join a game?
    Simply select Reserve in the events section and fill in your details. Once accepted we will ask for payment to reserve your place. Once paid we will email the reservation information, meeting points etc.
  • Why wasn't my request to join a game accepted?
    We will not allow participation from persons for the following reasons. Did not turn up to previous games without notice beforehand. Frequently cancels attendance. Has not paid cancellation fee(s). Bad manners/behaviour/attitude at previous games. Complaints from other members. Complaints from game field staff.
  • What happens if I have registered to attend a game, but do not come?
    If we have chartered a field, we have to pay for all registered players. Often we have to pay in advance or send a list of players. So, by not turning up, we have to pay for your absence to the field. If you have registered to join and fail to attend without giving suitable notice, you will be expected to pay the cancellation fee. If you do the same again, you will not be allowed to register for future events. We would not ban you from participating, but instead it would be up to you to come and participate on your own terms, and your registration would not be accepted without payment beforehand.
  • How much does it cost to attend?
    Participation will range from ¥3000 - ¥5000 for the day (excluding lunch, transportation etc). Most outdoor fields charge ¥3300 for a one day game.
  • Why do you charge extra for charter games?
    Unfortunately, nothing in life is really free. We have a website to pay for and manage, as well as researching and organising games and events, buying parts for building and maintaining props, airsoft bombs and other equipment like team marking tape, batteries, rental item maintenance and cleaning, goods, advertising, renting vehicles to transport items to and from venues, that not only takes time, but costs money. In addition, payments handled online have charges that we have to cover. The money used is treated as a donation and is generally used to pay for the homepage fees as well as equipment and items used for airsoft games that will be shared by all participants of our games and attendees so that the leaders managing the events are not paying for everything themselves to keep things fair. Our goal is to expand in such a way that we can offer things like raffles, giveaways and such at our events. But such things happening relies solely on community donations and more importantly, regular participation.
  • Why is prepayment necessary to attend?
    We ask that people attending games pay beforehand to secure their place on the day. Once paid you will receive a booking notice, and our organisers will manage everything you need such as organising pickup (if available), ordering lunch, rental equipment and chartering fields etc. The payment is treated much like an agreement and we find it prevents people from not turning up on the day.
  • Do you organise any non-airsoft events?
    Yes. We often host barbecues, picnics, beach parties, camping, and other activities for our members to attend throughout the year.
  • How many people usually come to your games?
    Usually we have between 5 and 20 people. It depends on the timing, location and season. Typically January to May are the busiest months where we see more people.
  • Who makes all your airsoft bombs and devices?
    Our airsoft bombs, props and other electronical devices are made by AOJ's leader, Ben. The parts are funded by the community through donations and when Ben has enough saved, he will buy parts to make things to use in chartered games.
  • Are the airsoft bombs available for sale?
    While we do not officially sell them .We can make them to be sold. However payment would need to be made up-front so we can begin sourcing parts and it would take 10 - 21 days to complete.
  • Where can I get my airsoft gun fixed in Tokyo?
    There are several places you can go to get airsoft guns fixed in Tokyo. The first option is to ask someone experienced to take a look at the gun, this can be done at any of our events. The second is to go through a shop, but this will cost a fair amount as most charge a flat rate just for dismantling. This is usually ¥4,000 plus any parts needed and time after that. Places such as Echigoya will offer such services. But you do need to book in advance.
  • How old do you need to be to play airsoft in Japan?
    In Japan, most airsoft fields have a rule of being at least 18 years old. Those younger, must have parental consent (form submission). But will not be allowed to use adult airsoft guns.
  • Can I play with full-auto?
    Outdoor fields will generally allow full-auto and burst fire, but some game modes may require semi-auto only. Indoor fields generally only allow semi-auto.
  • What if my gun is overpowered?
    Most fields will not allow a gun that does not meet their criteria to be used. You would either need to modify the gun to meet the speed criteria, use a different gun or rent a gun. However, in chartered games some guns will be allowed if they are overpowered, but if you hurt someone to the point they need medical attention and your weapon is checked and is too powerful. By law you would be liable for criminal charges. So do so at your own risk.
  • Is HPA allowed?
    Indoor fields can sometimes restrict the use of HPA, they will have a specific guideline about green gas regulators that will state their rule on them. Most outdoor fields to accept HPA, but it is always worth checking on the regulations page for accurate information.
  • What are the speed limits for airsoft guns?
    Most outdoor fields follow the same guidelines, but indoor fields can vary and be lower. ** Please note outdoor fields only allow the use of biodegradable BB's. ** Indoor fields only allow 0.20g BB's
  • Are there any English speaking stores?
    Echigoya in Akihabara often has an English speaking staff member on weekends. But in general most stores offer no English support.
  • Which stores are the cheapest?
    Generally speaking they do vary and prices change often. So, it is best to visit their website and check.
  • Where can I sell airsoft guns and equipment?
    Stores like 41PX, Echigoya, Mokei Paddock and Repmart will buy airsoft gear if it is in very good condition. However the best method to get the most income is by selling on Mercari or Yahoo Auctions. Some guns cannot be sold on Mercari such as imported guns. But AOJ also offers a sales platform to both buy and sell gear.
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