What game modes do you want us to include in the charter game day?
Vote for your favourites and we will begin a plan for the day.
A list of game mode explanations can be found on the following page.
Note; "MilSim" games are Military Simulation games. No Hi-Capa mags can be used, limited ammunition, one shot and you are dead (unless there is a medic), with multiple objectives to complete.
0%Team Deathmatch
0%Capture the Flag
0%Search & Rescue Operation
0%Bomb Defusal Operation
You can vote for more than one answer.
Just learned of a new game mode called 4-teams acquistion. 4 teams start at opposite corners. When a player is hit, they take a knee and is dead. They can be revived by there own team members. Or if they are revived by the other team, they are acquired by the other team and change colors. Which ever team consumes the other team. WINS!
Last Man Standing (But with handguns only)