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AOJ Offers Elite Membership Program

Updated: Jun 25

Last year, filled with ambition and determination, we launched Japan's only bilingual Airsoft community. Thanks to your support, our community has flourished into a vibrant, like-minded group.

To show our appreciation, we are introducing a membership system to enhance your experience and give back to those who have kept this community going.

Elite Membership benefits include

  • At least 10% off all charter games

  • One Free emergency cancellation

  • Free AOJ Supporter's patch

Thanks to our growth, our site will now feature a new prepaid system that will streamline event management, simplify check-ins, and eliminate on-site payments.

As a nonprofit community, increased memberships and donations will go directly to enhancing our community and member experiences. Future plans include non-airsoft events like camping and beach trips, more airsoft options with contests and prizes, better props and equipment, and special field usage like night games.

We also aim to improve our website with features like a top contributor section, a marketplace for trading airsoft gear, and a news section with equipment reviews and field information.

We appreciate your support and look forward to creating unforgettable experiences and a thriving community together.

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