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February Game Recap

Updated: Feb 29

First of all, a heartfelt thank-you to everyone who joined us at the game. It was a pleasure seeing both familiar faces and new enthusiasts. We're looking forward to welcoming you back soon.

Despite encountering some unexpected conditions, the event was a testament to our community's adaptability and spirit. While the field was more suited to CQB than anticipated, it provided us with a unique opportunity to get creative and enjoy the close-quarters combat, which—as evidenced by the enthusiasm for our CQB games—was a hit among participants.

We did face challenges with the game modes and scheduling due to the field's size and miscommunications about drop-off times. However, these hurdles have only strengthened our resolve to improve. We're learning and growing, committed to ensuring clearer communication and better logistical planning for future events.

The games we played were engaging, and we noticed a particular fondness for the medic and CQB games. The joy of navigating these games, especially the thrill of using a pump-action shotgun in CQB, was shared by many.


Looking ahead, we're excited about our upcoming event at Sabage Paradise on March 17th. While they don't offer a pick-up service, we're arranging transportation for a nominal fee, ensuring the first 12 registrants have a hassle-free way to join. There are still spots available, so don't miss out!

And there's more to look forward to! On May 18th, we're planning an extraordinary day-and-night game, complete with optional camping. This will be a fantastic chance to build on our experiences, enjoy each other’s company, and immerse ourselves in the thrill of the game.

You can read more about this event in our recent article.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thanks for the amazing time and great adaptability! Very much looking forward to the game in March!!

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