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Camp Devgru 1 year Anniversary Game

Updated: Aug 1

After the last game that added a BBQ, night game and camp, the feedback was very welcome and we are taking everyone's suggestions into consideration.

So here is what we will plan for October.

Venue: Camp Devgru (Wakaba, Chiba)

Date: 19th - 20th October 2024

We will host a regular series of games with improved game modes, upgraded props and something new. Games will finish around 16:00 and the field will remain open until 17:00 for those itching for some photoshoots, target practice or friendly battles.

During the day, expect high-octane showdowns that will push your skills to the limit, utilising our handmade bomb props, domination timers and more, while the night will feature a relaxing BBQ with some food and drinks of your choice and pickup from 18:00. Alternatively, you could camp on site. In either a shared communal tent or bring/rent a tent and sleeping bag and camp on the campground with the leaders.

But wait, there's more!

Bakudan Mk.II (Functional Airsoft Bomb Prop)

Thanks to our exclusive arrangement with the owner, we can have the option to play more games on the Sunday. This means for those who cannot attend Saturday, can come on Sunday instead, camp overnight and do both. Whichever you want!

So whether you're a hardcore camper, a game thrill-seeker, or a BBQ lover, there's something for everyone at this unforgettable event. Don't miss out on the ultimate combination of excitement, camaraderie, and outdoor fun with AOJ!


Event Options

There will be various options for attendees and they will be broken down based on what you are interested in more.

Saturday Game

Sunday Game


Camping Options

Photo Session

Both days have been booked and we will cap the games at 40 persons per day.

If you have questions about the options, feel free to comment on this article and we will reply as soon as we see it.


Game Information

Domination Timers, Siren & Bomb

Gone are the days of stifling regulations and red tape – here, innovation and creativity reign supreme. With this unparalleled level of autonomy, we're empowered to craft an experience that's truly tailored to our vision, ensuring every aspect of the event is executed flawlessly.

So, get ready to push the boundaries and redefine what's possible, because at AOJ, the only limit is your imagination.

These are allowed.

  • LMG's

  • Miniguns

  • Drum-fed full-auto shotguns

  • Grenade launchers / rocket launchers

  • Moscart 40mm Grenades (40 Mike rounds are not permitted)

  • Hand Grenades (any kind)

  • Claymores & mines (Wire systems must detach easily to prevent being a trip hazard)


When to book?

We have confirmed the prices with the owner, while lowering costs as well as organising a shared sleeping space or campsite for those that do not want to commute back at night.

We are also considering booking food trucks, but this will depend on if we have at least 25 people per day booked by August 30th.

If you have any questions, please comment below.

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